The Atılım University Approved Training Organization (ATO) Compliance Monitoring System

Has been established in accordance with the SHT-ORA and SHT-COMPLIANCE MONITORING Directive. The primary objective of ATO is to continuously monitor the compliance of our products and services. Compliance monitoring grew in importance in order to train of qualified and professional pilots.

Keeping the value of our students in mind, the most important service our University has to offer is training Turkish youth on civil aviation. ATO adopts the core principle of succeeding with a modern training and compliance monitoring system in line with international standards in pilot training; as is the case with the education offered at the other academic departments under Atılım University. The ATU Flight Academy aims to provide quality labor force in the field of civil aviation, thus having developed the compliance monitoring policy.

The Approved Training Organization carries out modern and flawless pilot training activities in accordance with national and international legislations with the principle of transparency without compromising ground and flight safety.

Safety Policy and Objectives

Safety is our primary activity. Our aim is to achieve top safety performance and to meet national and international standards, and in this regard, we continuously develop, implement, maintain and improve strategies and processes for all of our aviation activities. All levels of management are responsible for achieving top safety performance, from the Official Director down.


Our Commitment

·       We are committed to supporting safety management by providing appropriate human and financial resources to support safety practices, promoting effective safety reporting and communication, and actively managing safety within a fair culture, with an interest in results as is the case in financial management;

·       Having all managers adopt safety management as a key responsibility,

·       Clearly defining the obligations and responsibilities of all personnel related to ensuring safety performance,

·       Determining and implementing hazard identification and risk management processes in order to eliminate or minimize the risks associated with aviation activities and human factors,

·       Developing strategies to support, measure and increase the voluntary participation of employees,

·       Complying with and, where possible, going beyond legal and regulatory requirements and standards,

·       Ensuring resources and individuals with adequate skills and training are available to implement safety strategies and processes,

·       Ensuring that all personnel receive adequate and appropriate aviation safety information and training, are proficient in safety issues, and are assigned only to tasks that fit their skills,

·       Continuously improving our safety performance and ensuring that the relevant safety measures are taken and effective, performing safety management reviews and determining and measuring our safety performance against realistic goals and/or targets,

·       And, ensuring that the outsourced systems and services that support our operations meet our safety performance standards.